
Includes UK tax (where applicable)

You need more money, and that's a good thing!

Are you money stressed or worry about money? Then you need to re-write your money story - feel and grow rich....

Are you beyond sick and tired of dealing with "money stress?" Have you worried about money for as long as you can remember? You deserve to radically change your money story! You deserve to feel and grow rich.

This book is like no other money book. Desiree walks you through a hands-on process to shift your energetic patterns and access the "sweet spot" for wealth creation. To change your money story, you must change the thoughts, emotions and frequencies you carry towards it. With the use of essential oils, you can release shame, clear doubts and fears, and break through stagnant energies that constrict money flow.

You are a brilliant person. You deserve to have a dignified relationship with money.

The "I Am Magnetic" process:

  • Identifies your values.
  • Clarifies your direction.
  • Increases confidence and self-worth.
  • Improves decision-making skills.
  • Creates sustainable growth.

Let's feel and grow rich in every way!

If you'd like a roller bottle label to accompany the blend recipe contained in the book, they can be purchased here.

Contents: 157 page softcover book (label not included, see above to purchase separately, show here for illustrative purposes only)




I am Magnetic Book by Desiree & Alonto Mangandog

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