Glass Dropper Tops for 5/8 (2ml) Sample Vials (5 Pack)

Glass Dropper Tops for 5/8 (2ml) Sample Vials (5 Pack)

Glass Dropper Tops for 1/4 Dram (1ml) Sample Vials (5 Pack)

Glass Dropper Tops for 1/4 Dram (1ml) Sample Vials (5 Pack)


Includes UK tax (where applicable)

These 360 degree replacement spray tops will fit our 240ml Amber & Blue Spray bottles.

The spray head features an adjustable nozzle with both a spray and stream options. The inner tube has a filter on the end of the tube to ensure peek performance right to the bottom of the bottle and it has a 360-degree feature allowing you to spray the bottle even upside down and it will still function, unlike regular spray bottles that only function when the bottle is held upright and the tube meets the bottom on the bottle and in contact with the contents.

CONTENTS: 1 x replacement 360-degree spray head for 240ml bottle (bottle for illustration purposes only)




240ml Spray Bottle : Replacement 360 degree Spray Head (NEW STYLE)

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